September’s Monthly Message

Welcome to September

As we begin this month, the evenings are getting longer, and the days are becoming cooler. September often feels like a fresh start, perhaps because of that back-to-school feeling we’ve never quite shaken off.

The past two months have been a time for contemplation—a space to rethink our goals and models of success. If you’ve done the work, then you’re likely feeling more grounded and prepared. But if you haven’t taken that time yet, remember, it’s never too late. Everything happens at the right time. If you find yourself avoiding that space for reflection, ask yourself why. What are you holding onto? What’s stopping you from relinquishing full control? Perhaps that’s something worth exploring more deeply.

However, as we move into September, the theme is expansion. We’re ready to put those newly laid plans into action. Things will start to get busier, and if you’ve laid the groundwork, you’ll remain rock solid, no matter how hectic things become. Remember, you set the pace for your expansion.

When I talk about expansion, I mean in all areas of your life. Now that you’ve made room, new ideas and ways of being are ready to take root. Each of us has our own definition of expansion, so don’t be afraid to grow in the way your intuition is guiding you. Open your mind to possibilities you may never have considered before. This isn’t the time to expand just a little—it’s time for full expansion, beyond what you can currently see. Now is not the time to shy away from your growth, but to embrace it fully. There’s a saying: Feel the fear and do it anyway. Now is that time.

Let me know how you’re getting on, and feel free to share your plans with me.

Lots of love xxx


August’s Monthly Message