July’s Monthly Message

Welcome to July!

It feels strange when you are in a vacuum. You are no longer rushing, and you feel like you're not achieving your goals. Part of you may even feel guilty for being in that vacuum. Believe me, I have been there, and it did feel strange. But the more I embraced it, the easier life became. It’s funny—the more you hold on, the more you hurt yourself. When you let go, things just flow toward you.

Like everything, once you embrace the vacuum, clarity becomes crystal clear, and the next steps become easier.

Vacuum periods are not there to make your life harder. They create the space to actually give you what you need.

Read that again. We sometimes overlook what we need because we think we need to achieve X, Y, and Z first. Vacuums are there to support us. But we often overlook this because we think we know best.

Yes, we know best how to do things the hard way.

So my question to you this month is: Do you have the courage to sit in the vacuum and be slightly uncomfortable for a moment?

Lots of love


August’s Monthly Message


June’s Monthly Message